Friday, December 18, 2015

BrainBox: One Brain to Rule them All

ample the Brainbox in the configuration you like. From Drones to wearables to ride-able’s, to handhelds and more.

VAIRDO is in the business of providing custom and pre-configured miniaturized computing, control and sensing platforms for industries from smart weapons, compact drone sensors & controls, video monitoring and deployable sensors, Robotics, Unmanned systems, consumer electronics. Our markets are in the Military, R&D, consumer electronics and B2B solutions.
The heart of a full high-performance embedded development kit environment; size smaller than the palm of a hand; performance matching smartphones, tablets and high computing mobile devices. Sensitive to the environment, packed with the world’s most complete and highest performing MEMS based sensing and vision. Suited and fitted to directly interface with your end application with no further development cost or lead time. Perform your R&D and take to end product in 1 step.
The demand for higher computing and diverse sensing in every growing markets led to the creating, design and deployment of the futuristic solution, called the BrainBox. The Brainbox is a combination of Industries best and most high performing computing and sensing in a super miniature package that fits the end application directly, while having the flexibility to spread into a full development kit for expedient development of applications. Leaving no comfort behind, giving flexibility, performance, compactness and futuristic ergonomics to raise the bar on your competitors.